Saturday, April 5, 2008

I'm in Vegas!

And I got to see both Kimberly and Julia last night! Let me tell you how AMAZING they both look! And they are both having a great time and were so excited for Preview this morning (which both girls said went very quickly but they did very well). They were first in their evening gowns then in swimsuits. Kimberly just LOVES the competition swimsuits!

When I got to Planet Hollywood, I could see in the Extra Lounge they were having an autograph session with Rachel Smith and several contestants. Julia was one of them! She looked quite breathtaking in a white cocktail from La Belle Boutique (thank you ladies!). Then I went downstairs to the buffet and got to say hi to Kimberly. I can't believe it's almost here!

Kimberly texted me this morning when they got to see the theatre for the first time. She says it's just amazing! I'll get to see it for myself when they open rehearsal to parents and directors at 1:30.

Tonight's the night! 2/3 of their score will be determined with Prelims, then Interviews Sunday morning will finalize the Preliminary competition. WOW!!!!


1 comment:

TNBoy said...

Thanks for the update and the pics! Glad everything is going well! I can't wait to see what the stage set looks like!

TNBoy =-)