Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ah, Sky Harbor Airport!

...And I had to take off my stupid brace to get through security. I could've given it a shot (and I would've been fine, they told me after they x-rayed the darned thing), but I didn't want to take a chance and get "WANDED". Sheesh. It gave me a chance to see the beautiful black and blue patterns over my ENTIRE foot. Oh well, I had as much of a pedicure today as I could, so at least my polish will match the rest of my foot!

I know I promised photos of the girls in Evening Gowns, but I don't have the one of Kate from the photographer yet, so I'll wait until I have one of both of them to post.

They're both in the Bahamas now, and I get there at noon Wed. Colin and I are waiting to board our plane for the red-eye to Charlotte, then the flight to Nassau. It is exciting to finally get this amazing pageant underway, but it was SO HARD to leave our woofers! Especially since our 8 year old lab, Jaycee, is new to our family. I know Kyle is going to take incredible care of them, but you know me...If you're in our neighborhood, please stop by and love on the pups for us!

Please keep praying for our girls and for calm weather! I have my camera (woo hoo!) and will upload photos as soon as I can.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see pictures of you girls! I am thinking of you and hope you girls SHINE! Wish I could be there! Love you gals lots! And Britt- I hope your foot heals soon :)
Love and Hugs!!!